Last month the Iowa Department of Natural Resources released its 2022 list of impaired waters report. The federal Clean Water Act requires that a list be prepared in even numbered years.
Of the waters tested for the report 54% were found to be impaired. Over half of the streams, lakes and rivers in Iowa have been diminished or compromised by pollutants. According to the DNR these waters are not suitable for even one intended activity whether that is swimming, fishing or drinking.
Once placed on the Impaired List the DNR is required to prepare a TMDL. This is a determination of the daily load of pollutants that are causing the impairment. They identify what the pollutants are, the origination and the amount.
Five Island Lake is still on the Impaired Waters List but making progress to move off the list. In 2018 the DNR established that the pollutant affecting the water was turbidity which means the state of the water is cloudy due to small pieces of matter held in it. The investigative work to complete the TDML has been finalized. It was determined that algae growth and turbidity are contributing to aesthetically objectionable water conditions. The next step in the process was submitting a water quality improvement plan to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The comprehensive plan was completed and submitted last year.
Notice was received in January that the EPA approved the water quality plan.. The details of the actual dollar amount that will come in the form of a grant has yet to be released. One of the main pieces of the proposal was the hiring of a watershed coordinator for Five Island Lake. Moving forward to improving the quality of the lake’s water is no longer a wish but an actual local plan that will improve the water so that it meets its intended use. For Five Island Lake that is recreation and fishing.