Bright, noisy, daylight longer, warmer, renewing, earth blooming
Winter fades away
And nature does its work to transform
The landscape as it lays
Early was the lake melt
The neighbor says one of the earliest
No matter how it was happily felt
Seeing waves lapping at the shore
White caps and splashing sounds
Make up for the months of cold and snow we bore
Animals emerging, even the skunk is welcome
Migratory birds feed, rest and journey on while water fowl and song birds are home to stay
And the mating season becomes
The red-winged blackbird perched atop the dried stem of the prairie cup plant
Robins, wrens, sparrows, orioles flit from tree-to-tree serenading
The activity and noise are not a bother for this spring slant
The honking sound of geese arguing in an early morning fight
Third Island a prime spot for nesting real estate
The deafening honks as pairs stake their claim and win the right
Outside the window , a horned owl arrived in the oak tree on a Sunday
For five hours stayed absolutely still before again taking flight
Then another snow and all went quiet for awhile
Mother Nature dangles spring promises and we settle in
But she is in charge and has mastered the ways to beguile
It won’t be long and the water will warm, lifts will hold the boats
Swimmers, anglers, skiers, kayakers, water lovers will gather on the lake
To enjoy the lake’s wonder as stated in this final quote:
“A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.” – Henry David Thoreau.
Previous question’s answer: Turbidity is how clear the water is. It can be measured by a secchi disc with a calibrated line that is lowered into the water until it is not seen. The measurement is recorded and compared to different measurements during the year.
Question: How many acres make up the fifth island game preserve?
Written by Diane Weiland